Sunday, May 30, 2004

Why Biblical Counseling is Unbiblical(Take 1)
by John H. Coe.

"The contemporary church has much to learn from the OT wisdom literature and its mandate for the people of God to develop a science of value by investigating the manifold wisdom discernible in both the scriptures and human phenomena. Though the proponents of the BC position have been so careful to avoid the Corrupt thoughts of human opinions. in order to maintain an uncorrupted biblical world-view, comically and tragically they have in fact adopted a positivistic and reductionistic view of the social sciences which is cut off from God's wisdom and moral knowledge contained in nature. The comic side to this is that they have adopted a view of science historically rooted in a movement, viz. the Enlightenment, which otherwise the BC position adamantly opposes. The tragic side is that by so doing they unknowingly go against the teaching of the scripture and the OT sage inasmuch as they reject the possibility of a science of values and propagate a truncated view of God's wisdom. The real misfortune in this is that sectors of the church - God's people - are inhibited from enjoying all the wisdom available for living in all areas of life under God. "

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