Tuesday, November 18, 2003

Francis Schaffer on Christian Leadership
"In a fallen world there is need of organization, and there is also a need of Christian leadership. But the leaders, as office bearers stand in relationship to the Church of Jesus Christ, to the people of God, as brothers and sisters in Christ, as well as leaders. The Church as a whole, and the officers, are to function consciously on the basis of each one being equal as created in the image of God, and as equal in the sense of being equally sinners redeemed by the blood of the Lamb. In this way, believing in the priesthood of all true believers, believing in the supernaturally restored relationship among those who are brothers in Christ, believing in the indwelling of the Holy Spirit in each individual Christian -- organization and Christian leadership do not stand in antithesis to true spirituality.........

..... The Church needs to function consciously on the basis of the finished work of Christ and not on the proud basis of any inherent value in itself or assumed inherent superiority......"

(Francis Schaeffer, True Spirituality)

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