Wednesday, November 26, 2003

Thanksgiving Eve Musings

Tonight we went to our church's Thanksgiving Praise service. It was a good time for our church family as young and old alike gave their thanks to God. Some who shared had in this past year gone or are even now going through deep waters. Others who had been through deep waters in years past were able to rejoice in God's taking of the ashes of their life and making something beautiful and precious.

I shared how we were thankful as a family for God's goodness to us. This past year has been one of the happiest years ever for us as a family. The reason is that we again know the joy of the Lord in our hearts and life in a way we had not known for many years, and this church had a major part in the restoration of that joy.

I had thought of many things I might post on the blog here tonight; more excerpts from other writing I've done, or things of others I've come across. But it seemed fitting to set those aside for another day and share a few of the many things I'm thankful for such as:

a wife who, second only to Christ, is my best friend;

two dear and precious children along with a good son in-law who we are also proud of;

two darling grand-children who live near by so we see them regularly.

a church where Christ is honored and His Word is preached,

people at that church who love God and opened their herats to us as a family.

that I'm still able to work and have a job to go to...

a warm house with food in the cupboard...

good friends..

a free country where freedom is cherished

for God's Word, the bible, and the many precous promises in it.

the grace, mercy, kindness,and goodness of God

The Lord Jesus Christ who is my only hope in life and in death..

May God bless you and yours this Thanksgiving season.

~ The Billy Goat ~

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