Monday, December 13, 2004

The Joyful Christian
127 Readings from the writings of C. S. Lewis

The 127 excerpts gathered together in The Joyful Christian give an excellent introduction to the scope and range of C. S. Lewis' thought. The bibliography and list of sources in the back of this book are a panoramic picture of the legacy Lewis has left us.

These 127 excerpts also illustrate the cohesiveness of Lewis' thought. An excerpt from Surprised By Joy is consistent with what is found in The Abolition of Man. Other readings from Christian Reflections are consistent with what you would expect from the author of the Narnia and Perlandra series.

Most of the excerpts are relatively short. One or even two readings can be completed in a relatively short time. A "daily reading" approach allows time for cogitation and meditation on the thoughts presented.

C. S. Lewis remains one of the most influential Christian writers coming out of the 20th century, and rightly so. His influence reaches beyond our theological boxes, nor can his thought be constrained by those boxes. This collection is an excellent representation of the breadth of his philosophical and theological thought.

~ The Billy Goat ~

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